Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Healthy Tuesday: 6 Air Purifying House Plants

Found this one interesting post on Tania Z's blog and I would love to share.
You should check out her blog at Tania Z for more health and beauty tips

I remember when I was little my Mom used to say it is not a good idea to have plants in the room. Little did I know some of them are actually providing us some health benefits that could help people with asthma and allergies as they act as an 'air filter' in your room.

Why These 6 Plants Rock:

1. Bamboo Palm: Removes formaldahyde and acts as a natural humidifier.
2. Snake Plant: Absorbs nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.
3. Areca Palm: Purifies the air and keeps it clean.
4. Spider Plant: Removes carbon monoxide, formaldahyde and other toxins or impurities from the air.
5. Peace Lily: Removes mold spores (best place for this plant is in bathrooms or laundry rooms). Also removes formaldahyde and trichloroethylene.
6. Gerbera Daisy: Removes benzene from the air and improves sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off more oxygen over the night (best place for these are in your bedroom).

Source: Taniaz.ca

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