Sunday, 14 April 2013

What to do when you have UTIs ?

Hello everyone, sorry I have been MIA for the past few weeks. Reasons are I have been extremely busy with work and my business and plus, having a bad experience with this thing called UTIs and all I could say is I HATE IT !

All the ladies in the world, you already know what I am talking about. This is the most common infection that happens to women. Statistic has showed that UTIs happen to 1 in every 3 women and it can happen to all ages from a little girl to a woman in her 50-60s. Sometimes I do wonder if this is a part of the deal of being a woman. Lol ! Ever feel a burning feeling when you urinate? Seeing blood when you wipe after the urinating? You are having UTIs.

I have done a lot of research on this topic ever since I experienced it, not for the first time but the worst I have ever had, and I learned a lot of useful information I would love to share. There are several ways you can tell if you have an UTIs but the most common of all is the burning sensation when you have to pee. As I recall from my past experience, there are several times when I have felt the buring feeling and did not have a clue that I had UTIs. Fortunately, my strong immune system helped my body to get over the infection itself. So this time when I felt the burning feeling at first, I did not think it was a big deal until I saw blood stain when I was wiping after unrinate and the pain was so bad it got to the point when I literally had to scream out loud in the washroom. Having to deal with a current cold and due to lack of sleep, my immune system could not help me this time.

So, what is UTIs ?

It is a short form of Urinary Tract Infection or sometimes known as bladder infection

What caused UTIs ?

How do you know you have UTIs ?

You may have an infection if you have experienced the following symptons. The most common one that most people have is dark colour unrine and the burning sensation when you have to pee. However, if you experience more than 2 of the following symtoms, you need to contact your doctor asap and do a urine test.

- You feel pain or a burning sensation when you urinate. ( I had this)
- You feel like you have urinate often but not much urine comes out when you do. ( I had this)
- Your belly feels tender of heavy. ( I didn't experience this)
- The colour of your urine is somewhat cloudy or dark. ( I had this but I did not know I was having infection until day 3, I kept thinking it was just because of the junk food I had when on the road trip to Buffalo with my boyfriend and all I did was drinking more water trying to flush it out)
- You have back pain under your ribs where your kidneys are. ( I didn't experience this)
- You have fever and chills. ( I didn't experience this but if you do, it means your infection is very serious)

Why is it so common in women and specially pregnant women?

UTIs are more common in females because of their shorter urethra and the closer proximity between their anus and the urethral opening

According to the University of Maryland Medical Centre, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria and are 10 times more common among women than men. More than 50% of women will have at least one UTI during their lifetime; for most of these infections, patients need to see a doctor and be treated with antibiotics. About 30 - 40% of UTIs recur within 6 months after the initial episode. When UTIs do recur, it is often because the treatments used to suppress bacteria seem to work at first, but do not produce a lasting cure. UTIs can also recur when a woman is infected again by different bacteria.

Now, here is the important part, what I did to overcome the pain and recover from UTIs in the shortest period:

1. Go see your doctor immediately:

This type of infection needs to be treated with antibiotics right away and will help preventing the condition to get more serious. The doctor will order an urine test on you and some other check-ups to see if your condition has gotten more serious or not.

2. Drink a lot of water to flush the bacteria out of your system:

Water has always been one of the natural remedies for any health problems. 
I found that UTIs also happens more frequently to people that don't consume enough water ( average of 1-2 litres/ day). This is especially hard when you have to be at a working environment where going to the washroom too often might not be possible. However, when you are having infection, you have to drink as much  water as you can to push all the bad bacteria all out as soon as possible.

3. OPC-3:

Ever heard of OPC 3? This is actually the one that helped me recover from the infection in such short period of time. Why does it help? Well, you might have heard from a lot of people who have experienced UTIs that cranberry juice might help a lot to heal the infection and flush the bacteria out because of its anti oxidants benefit. I tried it but the tricky part here is you need the real stuff, not those cranberry cocktails they sell at the supermarket because they might cause you more harm than help. The real cranberry tho, could be hard to find when you need an instant relief. I was in too much pain and it was 11pm at night and my boyfriend and I went everywhere but couldn't find the real cranberry juice. 

Since I have a bottle of OPC 3 at home already, I decided to take as many shots as possible until the pain is eased. To my surprised, after the first two shots, I felt instant relief. Because OPC 3 is in an isotonix state which means it has the same pressure as your body fluid, your body absorb almost instantly and almost 80%. In addition, OPC 3 has the best of the best anti oxidant ingredients out there that works twice as good as Vitamin C and E and cranberry juice. This has really saved me !
The bottle is good for 90 days so you basically spend less than $1 a day to maintain good health with the finest anti oxidant ingredients out there.

OPC-3, however, is not recommended for pregnant women.

OPC 3 is available on SHOP.COM website, CLICK HERE to see the site and just type OPC 3 on the search engine of the site. More information about OPC 3 is also available there. 

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