Thursday, 16 May 2013

Positive Thursday: Shape it or someone else will.

This is your world ! Shape it or someone else will !

Have you ever had a friend or known someone who doesn't have any control over his/her life? T
They blame life or other people for everything that happens to their life. They let life leads the way, go through day to day making excuses for what they can't do. I'm sure we all know someone like this. As the matter of fact, I used to be that person too.

I felt like it was always easier finding an excuse to justify for yourself and your action than actually face the challenges and overcome them. I blamed on the TV weather forecast when I get wet in the rain without an umbrella. I blamed on life being a bitch when something bad happened to me. I went through days and days like that without realizing I was physically alive, but wasn't really living.

Things changed when my dad decided to send me abroad when I was a month away from my 16th birthday for a better education and a better future. The first day I landed in Canada was also the first day I realized I could no longer live life the way I used to do. I was forced to leave my comfort zone to come out to the 'scary' world where I would have to fight the bad guys myself, I would have to take care of my own self and would have to take responsibility for all my actions, or, in other words, 'clean up my own mess if I happen to cause one'. I felt like I was being born again. No friends, no family and a little English. That's what I've got the day I came to Toronto for the first time.

I guess at that point, I started to realize that all I have was myself and noone else. This is the first chapter of my life (the real life) and I am holding the pen to write the rest of the story. And I asked myself, what kind of story I want to write about myself. Would I write a story where the leading character let life takes control of her life, or would I write a story where I could be as awesome as I want to be, take total control of my life and really show life "who is the boss?"

And I guess, my choice is clear.

Although coming out of the comfort zone you're so used to is not an easy task, it is not impossible.

Here is the list of things you have to remember:

1. Are you tired of letting life events get in your way? Stopping you from going to where you want to go or do things you want to do?
If the answer is YES! Today is the day to start the change.

2. Remember! Change is never easy. We take baby steps to learn how to walk, so don't expect an overnight change if you are about to take this change seriously.

3. Startting by learning how to take responsibility for your small and everyday actions instead of depending or blaming on someone.
If you are hanging out with the friends who can't help you grow and develop in any kind of way and you let them have a large impact on your everyday life. It's your fault.
But it's also your choice to move on, go out to the world and open your eyes to new people, make new friends or locking yourself in the room, crying and asking yourself why people always disappoint you.

4. Remember! When it rains, it doesn't rain on a few. And when it shines, it doesnt shine just on you.
Everybody is going through some kind of hardship everyday trying to write their own story just like you. Some has less, some has more. But if all of them all let life get in the way and give up because of the excuses they make for themselves let them get away with it, we will have no Bill Gates, no Steve Jobs, no Oprah. Own it for yourself.

5. Admitting it was your fault and move on is actually easier than blaming it on someone else
Yes, this is so true and you WILL learn ! It is actually easier dealing with your own self and it is easier to forgive yourself than trying to blame it on someone else because you can never get over it. There is always a feeling that that person is owing you something and the case can't just be closed.

Now that you know this, go out there and change your life !!!!

This is my story, what is yours ?
Actually if you live in Toronto, go out there and enjoy the gorgeous weather too !!!



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